I,Science has an expansive website covering news and features, alongside video content and a weekly radio show. I,Science also produces three print issues per year. As Co-Editor-in-Chief, I have managerial and content oversight over all aspects of I,Science.
I interviewed a cancer surgeon for the "life and death" I,Science issue.
I wrote about undergraduate STEM research involvement for the Mount Holyoke News as a staff writer.
I oversaw this issue of I,Science - Imperial College London's science magazine - as Co-Editor-in-Chief, and I interviewed an art-therapist-in-training (pg 22-23). This issue was "highly commended" for both best magazine design and best science publication/section at the Student Publication Association National Awards 2023.
Students and professors present at Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium: Mount Holyoke News
I wrote about a local microbiology conference for the Mount Holyoke News as a staff writer.